YOR Health helped Hector Flores realize his dreams. Here, he shares his story.
My story began long before I ever heard of YOR Health. It is like many stories of immigrants that leave their families behind to come to the United States for a better opportunity. For me, it was very hard because even though we were very poor, my parents gave me so much. Not knowing if I was going to see them again was very painful. I had promised them that if they allowed me to come to America, I would help them out and that I would buy them a house.
In 1989, at the age of 17, I took the bus from Mexico City to Tijuana Mexico, and was able to cross the border illegally after several attempts. I managed to attend high school illegally. I didn’t know how to speak English, I took on all kinds of jobs where I would make little to no money just to survive, and then send to Mexico. In high school, I met my girlfriend who eventually became my wife, and I was able to fix my papers and find better jobs and better opportunities. I only knew one thing and that was to work hard, so that’s what I did. God gave me the opportunity to build a home for my parents, but I still couldn’t retire them and my family here in America was still living an average life. I wasn’t content.
That is when a good friend of mine invited me to meet someone very successful and that is when everything changed! I met so many remarkable people from YOR Health, and two of them became my mentors, Mr. Dennis Wong and Mr. Michael Mo. They believed more in me than I believed in myself. They taught me the value of leadership and that most people work on their work more than they do on themselves. I realized that I didn’t have years of failure, but that I had years of experience. I was able to find myself, love myself, and respect myself.
Thanks to GOD, my wife Maria, my daughter Vanessa, and my son Matthew, for their complete support. Thanks to my parents for your unconditional love, thanks to the YOR Health leaders and especially the YOR Health team for their support, loyalty, and friendship, because without our teams we are nothing.
My message is that no matter what is happening in your life, pay attention to what life is trying to teach you. We are faced with challenges so that we can learn from them. Don’t quit. Give yourself a chance to experience YOR Health because I know dreams do come true. God bless you all.
Remember Always Si Se Puede.