Today, YOR Health speaks with Fabiola Ramirez and Jose Luis Medrano about their experience as part of the YOR Health family of Independent Representatives.
Fabiola: We are a couple who got married 14 years ago feeling eager and hopeful in having a happy marriage. Jose Luis had a very successful business, but he had to travel a lot, so we started drifting apart. I felt very lonely and through the years it became a very difficult financial situation.
YOR Health: Can you describe your life during those years?
Fabiola: Jose Luis and I are totally different; we are polar opposites. I’ve always been a very calm person, reserved and prudent and Jose Luis is a very open person, expressive and explosive. Those contrasts brought us many difficulties because I kept it all to myself to avoid problems and that made me feel very empty inside. I felt distraught because we were living our marriage in a very superficial way; we weren’t emotionally aligned and we didn’t share the same ideals.
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